They say knowledge is power. But they’re wrong. If knowledge was power, then— Anyone who reads a book about Karate would be a master. Anyone who watches a video about Tae Kwon Do would be a world champion. Anyone who shows Grandma how to do an arm bar could be tapped out after Sunday dinner….
Martial arts training tips for students and teachers of martial arts.
Faith: The Knockout Secret to Success
If I told you the secret to success in every area of your life is faith, what would you say? My friends smile politely and find an excuse to head for the door. Why? Because when we hear the word “faith”, we usually think about religion… which is a big mistake! Forget about religion for…
One Move Workout: Get Results On Your Worst Day!
You’re tired. You’re sore. You’re busy. You just don’t feel like it. There are so many excuses to skip the gym, or Karate class, and miss a workout. Then what happens? You feel like a loser. You swear you’ll make it up next week. Or maybe you think about quitting workouts altogether. Stop torturing yourself!…
Master Teacher: Are You Giving Students Your Best?
“Master” is a term frequently used in the martial arts. While no one talks about a master accountant, master salesman, or master nurse, it is common to refer to a teacher of karate, kung fu, or BJJ, as a “master”. But master of what exactly? Mastery implies the ability to demonstrate basic and advanced techniques…
Self-Defense Story: The Blonde Haired Warrior
People sometimes ask me how much training they need to be effective in a self-defense situation. My answer? None. Zip. Fact: Men, women, and children defend themselves every day with no training whatsoever. Sure, the news blasts you with stories about the crimes that get committed…but what about the crimes that don’t get committed? The…
One Trick Pony: Why Your A-Game Isn’t Good Enough
I have met many women who think taking a self-defense class is a waste of time because, heck, if a guy ever messes with them, they’ll just kick him in the groin. That always works. Except when it doesn’t work. You can miss. He can block. He can get kicked and keep fighting. You can…
Martial Arts Don’t Lie…Do You?
People ask me why I practice martial arts. They never like my answer. Do I like to fight? No. Am I afraid of being attacked? No. Am I a health nut? No. Do I like wacky uniforms, bare feet, gongs, and incense? No. Actually, I don’t like any of those things. Especially bare feet. The…