Stair training is great for cardio, but let’s be honest—it gets boring fast! In this video, I’ll show you a few ways to add some cool martial arts action into your next stair workout. FULL DISCLOSURE: Yes, you’ll look like a lunatic if you do these exercises, but you’ll be a ripped, powerful, and dangerous…
Martial arts training tips for students and teachers of martial arts.
The Two Biggest Lies In Martial Arts
The martial arts are full of mystery and myth… and outright lies! Two of the biggest lies will weaken your power, limit your success, and even put you in danger. What are they? First, let me tell you about my friend, Jimmy… I was hurrying to class one day back in college when I spotted…
How to Take a Punch
Do you know how to take a punch? Whether you’re training in the martial arts for sport or self-defense, learning how to take a punch is a crucial skill. It may be even more important that learning how to punch! The basics of taking a punch are pretty simple— Keep your mouth shut Tuck your…
A Ridiculous Reason to Skip Class in Martial Arts
Last week, I set off for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class… and almost immediately turned around. Did I suddenly lose interest in BJJ? No. Did I suddenly become lazy? No. Did I suddenly decide to volunteer at the nearest Children’s Hospital? No… but maybe I should. The reason I wanted to turn around was simple— I…
The Worst Self-Defense and Fighting Stance
Martial artists may not agree on what makes up the best fighting stance, but I’ll bet we can all agree on the worst! In this video, I talk about the worst self-defense position that anyone—white belt or grandmaster—can find themselves falling into… whether they want to or not! But don’t worry—I also have a tip…
Why I Quit Tae Kwon Do
My first formal martial arts training was in Tae Kwon Do. I stayed long enough to earn my first black belt… but I never wore it! Instead, I went looking for a different art. Why? I’ve received that question in a couple of emails since my interview on the Martial Thoughts Podcast with Jaredd Wilson….
Side Kick Tips for Power and Balance
Bad side kicks. You see them everywhere… Movies, commercials, fitness classes… even in kickboxing and martial arts classes! Models, actors, and wanna-bes all throwing side kicks with their knee crooked, toes sticking up, and sometimes even their tongue hanging out. Side kick like that in a real fight and you’ll get dropped on your head….