Welcome to Episode #16 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, How to Get Things Done! Setting goals is one thing…finishing them is another! What keeps us from accomplishing everything we set out to do? No more stalling! No more procrastinating! Listen in as we talk about how to finish strong and how to…
The Fight for a Happy Life podcast is all about applying martial arts principles to everyday life, whether you’re a black belt or white belt!
#15: Injuries Are Good For You [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #15 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, Injuries Are Good For You. Everyone suffers from pain and injuries. But how much you suffer is up to you! In this episode, we talk about the attitudes that hold us back when injuries and obstacles interrupt our journey to success. Is it…
#14: Faith In Your Fight [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #14 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, Faith in Your Fight. We all lead lives of faith of one kind or another. But how often do we put our faith to the test? Are your beliefs helping or holding you back on the road to success? In the martial arts,…
#13: Paranoia into Power [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #13 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, Paranoia Into Power. The world can be a scary place. You watch the news, read the headlines, and face your own strong of disappointments and disasters. Some days, the bad vibes can be so overwhelming you may not even want to leave your…
#12: The Blonde Haired Warrior [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #12 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, The Blonde Haired Warrior. Once upon a time, I was awakened in the middle of the night by a blood-curdling scream. I ran outside to discover a young, blonde haired woman— a brave blonde haired woman— whose actions that night taught me many…
#11: Are You a One Trick Pony? [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #11 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, Are You a One Trick Pony? You may be really good at what you do, but what happens when other people are just as good… or better? The fact is that trying your best doesn’t mean you always win. But does that mean…
#10: Greatest Self-Defense Weapon [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #10 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, Greatest Self-Defense Weapon. People always ask me, “What’s the greatest self-defense weapon?” They’re always surprised when I tell them the best self-defense weapon is already in their possession, doesn’t require a permit, and never needs sharpening or reloading. So, what is it? Give…