Welcome to Episode #43 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “The Bully Handshake.” I got my hand crushed by a bully handshake once… and the pain taught me a lesson about self-defense and self-empowerment that I’ll never forget. Whether you train in the martial arts or not, I think you’ll find this lesson…
The Fight for a Happy Life podcast is all about applying martial arts principles to everyday life, whether you’re a black belt or white belt!
#42: Relax! The Worst Advice in Martial Arts [Podcast + Video]
Welcome to Episode #42 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Relax! The Worst Advice in Martial Arts.” We all hear about the negative effects of stress, but what about the negative effects of relaxation? Is there a dark side to taking it easy? In this episode, a story about how being “chill” almost…
#41: Back to Basics [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #41 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Back to Basics.” What did piano lessons teach me about being a better martial artist? A lot! In this episode, I share a few tips for building a better life by doing more of less, instead of less of more! To LISTEN to,…
#40: Change Your Pants, Change Your Life! [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #40 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Change Your Pants, Change Your Life.” In this episode, I share a powerful lesson in success I learned from an unlikely teacher… a homeless man. To LISTEN to, “Change Your Pants, Change Your Life”, you can either: Play or Download the show below….
#39: The Crazy Critic [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #39 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “The Crazy Critic.” Advice is cheap. We all get it, we all give it. But let me ask you something… Are you a smart critic or a crazy critic? Seriously—do you give good advice that improves people’s lives or bad advice that just…
#38: The Perfect Sparring Partner [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #38 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “The Perfect Sparring Partner.” Let’s face it—if you want to be a great martial artist, you can’t train alone… you need training partners. The more, the better! But what kind of person will make you the best you can be? Hint—it may not…
#37: Spirit First [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #37 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Spirit First.” As martial artists, we all train to be smart and skilled. But when it comes to self-defense, that may not be enough to save your life! You still need fighting spirit! Inspired by the instruction of Shotokan Karate founder, Gichin Funakoshi,…