Welcome to Episode #48 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Practice Time Tips for Martial Arts Mastery.” How much time do you spend practicing martial arts? Is it enough to become a master? In this episode, I share two pieces of advice to help anyone make the most of their practice time. To…
The Fight for a Happy Life podcast is all about applying martial arts principles to everyday life, whether you’re a black belt or white belt!
My Interview on Whistlekick Martial Arts Radio! [Podcast]
I was recently honored to be a guest on the Whistlekick Martial Arts Radio Podcast! Host Jeremy Lesniak was patient and gracious enough to let me rant and rave for a full hour! What topics did we cover? Let me tell you… Bruce Lee and Steven Seagal My first martial arts school Starting this website…
#46: Think for Yourself [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #46 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Think for Yourself.” Are you a leader or a follower? Do you go with the flow or think for yourself? Be warned—these are two very different ways to live your life. For me, only one will lead you to success in the martial…
#45: Self-Doubt in the Martial Arts [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #45 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Self-Doubt in the Martial Arts.” Do you suck at martial arts? Do you ever feel like you’re wasting your time practicing all those fancy moves? Be warned! When it comes to success in self-defense or any part of life, doubting yourself won’t just…
#44: Black Belt Diet Tips [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #44 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Black Belt Diet Tips.” Food can be our best friend… or our worst enemy! It took me years to figure out how to maintain a diet that would help me, not hurt me. So, if you’re interested in my journey to become a…
#43: The Bully Handshake [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #43 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “The Bully Handshake.” I got my hand crushed by a bully handshake once… and the pain taught me a lesson about self-defense and self-empowerment that I’ll never forget. Whether you train in the martial arts or not, I think you’ll find this lesson…
#42: Relax! The Worst Advice in Martial Arts [Podcast + Video]
Welcome to Episode #42 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Relax! The Worst Advice in Martial Arts.” We all hear about the negative effects of stress, but what about the negative effects of relaxation? Is there a dark side to taking it easy? In this episode, a story about how being “chill” almost…