Welcome to Episode #64 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast. This episode is a wisdom-packed conversation with martial artist Ritchie Yip. Ritchie is the founder and head instructor of InFighting Training Centers based in Vancouver, BC. He also has a growing YouTube channel loaded with helpful content on fitness, kickboxing, and Brazilian Jiu…
The Fight for a Happy Life podcast is all about applying martial arts principles to everyday life, whether you’re a black belt or white belt!
#63: True Confidence [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #63 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “True Confidence.” The secret to building confidence really isn’t a secret at all. The roots of confidence will always be preparation and experience. But… is that it? Is it possible to reach an even deeper level of faith in your capabilities… a level…
#62: Stephan Kesting Interview [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #62 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast. In this episode, I had the privilege of chatting with Stephan Kesting, founder of: Grapplearts.com Self-Defense Tutorials.com and The Strenuous Life Podcast You may also recognize Stephan from some videos we’ve made together. How to Escape a Rear Naked Choke How to Take…
#61: My Greatest Workout Tip [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #61 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “My Greatest Workout Tip!” Here it is… my greatest workout tip. It took me 48 years to figure it out, but better late than never! No matter how you choose to exercise—martial arts, yoga, weights, running—I believe this simple advice will change the…
#60: I Don’t Know! [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #60 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “I Don’t Know!” The greatest battle in the martial arts might be with your own ego. At least it is for me! Here’s an embarrassing story from my past where my ego won… and I lost because of it! To LISTEN to, “I…
#59: TW Smith Interview [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #59 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast. In this episode, I catch up with Sifu TW Smith, owner of TW Smith’s Martial Arts Center and the host of one of my favorite martial arts programs, Kung Fu Podcasts. I can’t believe it took me so long to finally sit down…
#58: Randy Brown Interview [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #58 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast. In this episode, I catch up with Sifu Randy Brown of Randy Brown Mantis Boxing. You may remember Sifu Randy from a couple of videos we made together. In case you missed them, here are the links… Tips to Manage Distance in a…