Welcome to Episode #87 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast with special guest, Sensei Kris Wilder. Where do I begin…? First off, Sensei Kris is the owner and chief instructor of the West Seattle Karate Academy. He’s also the host of not one, but TWO podcasts— The Back Channel Martial Arts & Life…
Author: Ando Mierzwa
#86: Seth Adams Interview [Video + Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #86 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast with special guest, Sensei Seth Adams. Sensei Seth is a lifelong martial artist-—his first Karate teachers were his own Mom and Dad! By the age of 14, he was responsible for teaching kids classes-—a calling he still enjoys to this day. Armed with…
#85: Ramsey Dewey Interview [Video + Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #85 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast with special guest, Ramsey Dewey. Fighters aren’t always the best teachers… or best communicators! So, it was a special pleasure to sit down with Ramsey Dewey, an MMA coach working in Shanghai, China. That’s right! Ramsey left the USA to open his own…
#84: Jesse Enkamp Interview [Video + Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #84 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast with special guest, Sensei Jesse Enkamp, founder of KarateByJesse.com. You already know Jesse… and you probably LOVE him! Jesse Enkamp was born into Karate family and has devoted his entire life to developing and spreading that legacy far and wide. Student, teacher, blogging…
#83: Jaredd Wilson Interview [Video + Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #83 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast with special guest, Sensei Jaredd Wilson. Who is Jaredd Wilson? Jaredd is the host of the long-running Martial Thoughts Podcast. For martial arts junkies looking for some intelligent and entertaining conversations, you’ll want to check it out. Oh, did I mention that I…
#82: Are Forms and Kata a Waste of Time in Martial Arts? [Video + Podcast]
Forms and kata… a functional, practical training tool in the martial arts or a big waste of time? Join me and special guest, Sifu Randy Brown, for a lively discussion on the pros and cons of forms training. We’ve both gone through through phases of LOTS of kata and NO kata, so I think you’ll…
#81: The Law of the Jungle and Self-Defense [Video + Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #81 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “The Law of the Jungle and Self-Defense.” Can a smaller, weaker animal survive an attack by a larger, stronger animal? The truth is UGLY, but I’m going to tell you anyway! If you can handle it, I’m going to examine the benefits of…