Welcome to the seventh episode of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, Make Peace with Violence. Day after day, the headlines bring us stories of violence. The grief and outrage that result can be overwhelming… but it shouldn’t be! Join Sensei Ando as he discusses how violence shapes our lives and how to keep…
Author: Ando Mierzwa
The Invisible Path to Success
The path to success is not always visible. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. There are two types of phenomena in the universe: things you see and things you don’t see. Many of us focus on what’s visible in life because it’s easy to measure and compare. How much you weigh, how much you…
#6: The Invisible Path to Success [Podcast]
Welcome to the sixth episode of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, The Invisible Path to Success. Do you ever feel you have nothing to show for all your hard work? Do you ever feel that successful people are just born that way? And that others, no matter how hard they try, are never…
The Myth of Women’s Self-Defense
I admit it. I’ve taught seminars billed as “Women’s Self-Defense”. But I’ve never been comfortable with that title. Here’s why— I have come to believe there should be no distinction between women’s self-defense classes and self-defense classes for men. None whatsoever. Doing so just over-complicates what is really a very straight-forward goal—preparing good guys to…
Sting Like a Bee: Tips for the Little Guy
Muhammad Ali described his boxing style with the famous phrase: “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Did you ever wonder why a heavyweight boxer would compare himself to a tiny bumblebee? The average bumblebee weighs about five hundredths of a gram. They say a queen bumblebee weighs almost a full gram, but no one’s…
#5: Tips for the Little Guy [Podcast]
Welcome to the fifth episode of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, Tips for the Little Guy! Ever feel like the little guy? Ever feel like you don’t have a chance against the big guys? Then this show is for you! Drawing inspiration from the humble bumblebee, Ando covers six tips and tactics to…
Your Right to Fight: Stop Being So Nice!
Has anyone ever told you that you have a right to fight back against bullies and bad guys? Have you ever said it to yourself? Probably not! Even in the martial arts, most of the people I meet are nice, kind-hearted people who seem uncomfortable with the idea of using violence as a means to…