If you want to learn martial arts faster, do less, not more. That’s the advice from my longtime teacher, Sifu Matt Ember. You remember Sifu Matt. He also shared some advice on how to handle a bigger, stronger opponent. Which reminds me—did you take the Beer Ring Challenge yet? 🙂 For more good advice on…
Author: Ando Mierzwa
Want to Improve Your Martial Arts? Train Outdoors!
Want a crazy tip to improve your martial arts skills? Train outdoors! Working out in a park or field is a must as far as I’m concerned. Check out this video or read the summary below to find out why. Then get up and go outside! 🙂 How to Improve Your Martial Arts: Train Outdoors…
#53: Are You a Martial Arts Zombie? [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #53 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Are You a Martial Arts Zombie?” When we sign up for martial arts, we’re filled with passion and purpose. But how long does that last? One day, you find yourself showing up to class, going through motions, and have no idea if you’re…
Self-Defense Tips to Survive a Choke
I have a skinny neck, which means learning how to survive a choke is a must! If I’m not careful, it’s not difficult for my training partners and, God forbid, real-life attackers, to get their grubby little arms under my chin and choke me out. But before I tap—or possibly die—there are a couple of…
Self-Defense Against a Bigger, Stronger Opponent with Matt Ember
Defending yourself against a bigger, stronger opponent is a common concern in the martial arts. In fact, it might be the whole reason the martial arts were developed in the first place! In this video, Sifu Matt Ember shares a quick tip to help someone smaller and weaker be more effective when facing a larger…
#52: Martial Artists Are Weirdos [Podcast]
Welcome to Episode #52 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “Martial Artists Are Weirdos.” Martial artists are not normal people… and that’s okay! In this episode, let’s take a closer look at what makes martial arts (and the people who practice them!) a little unusual. You can watch the video summary here or…
How to Block a Punch for Self-Defense
Learning how to block a punch is the first lesson in many martial arts. But should it be? Here’s some advice for anyone looking to get better at blocking and dodging punches and kicks. Let me know if you agree! If the video won’t play, scroll down for a loose transcript. Stay safe, my friend!…