If you found this page, you’re probably interested in taking a self-defense course, but not sure where to get started.
Well, you can start right here!
I’ve put together 10 simple, but powerful Self-Defense Lessons that anyone can add into their daily life… RIGHT NOW!
Watch the first lesson and I think you’ll immediately agree—
Even a little martial arts makes life a whole lot better!
Let’s get started! Check out this “welcome video” to give you an idea of what’s coming in the course. [Transcript below if you prefer.]
Of course, I recommend watching ALL of the lessons, but if you’d like to jump around, you can click on the topics below.
Oh, and this is all FREE, by the way. All I ask is this—
If you find something valuable in these lessons, share them with someone you love.
Fair enough?
Okay! Let’s go!
Keep fighting for a happy life! 🙂

Lesson #1: Make Yourself Comfortable
Lesson #3: Stance and Breathing
Lesson #10: Make Yourself Uncomfortable
Self-Defense Course Welcome Video
Howdy. Ando here from Happy Life Martial Arts. I believe that all good people—every man, woman, and child—should have some training in basic self-defense.
It’s crazy that we learn how to read and write, but we don’t learn how to speak up for ourselves.
We learn how to take care of our body through diet and exercise, but we don’t learn how to protect that body from being punched, kicked, or pushed around.
We learn how to stay out of trouble, but we don’t learn how to stand up and fight for what’s right.
As a result, even though there are far more good people in the world than bad people, the bad guys keep finding ways to win.
What’s really crazy is that almost everyone I meet says they want to take a self-defense course, they know they should take a self-defense course, they want their family and friends to take a self-defense course… but then they don’t!
I don’t have time, I don’t have money, I don’t know where to go, I’m afraid I’ll get hurt… oy.
Look, I hear you and I understand. But enough is enough. No more excuses.
If you’re a good, kind-hearted person, the time to start your training is NOW!
Let’s make this easy. I put together a series of 10 basic self-defense lessons to help get you started. Even if you just watch even one of these videos, hey—that’s better than nothing.
I truly believe that even a little martial arts makes life a whole lot better.
Now, I’ll tell you right up front—there’s nothing fancy here. Basic self-defense is not what you see in the movies or in the ring or cage.
Unless you devote your life to becoming a stuntman or a professional fighter, flying kicks and flying triangle chokes probably won’t work for you! Instead, I’m just going to share some simple concepts and movements that you can use right now.
That’s right. You don’t need to be a Black Belt to defend yourself!
The truth is that there’s a lot more to self-defense than just learning how to palm heel a bad guy in the nose or knee them in the groin… although those are great moves.
Real self-defense is a lifestyle. It’s how you live every moment of every day. That’s why when people ask me, “Hey, have you ever had to use your martial arts in real life?” I say, “Yeah. I use them every day. As a matter of fact, I’m using them right now.”
The way you stand, the way you breathe, the way you speak to people, the way you let people speak to you—that’s all part of the self-defense project.
So, if you’re only interested in punching and kicking, these videos will probably bore you. But if you’re interested in powering up your life the way martial arts powered up my life, then I think these videos will be pretty valuable.
Of course, if you want to learn more about punching and kicking, we can talk about that later. I just think there are some more important issues to discuss first. You don’t have to agree with that.
Seriously—my way is not the only way. That’s what makes martial arts art. I’m just passing on what I was lucky enough to have passed to me. Take it or leave it.
I should also tell you that you can’t learn everything about self-defense from videos. At some point, it will be very helpful to have a partner or even a whole class to train with. If these videos start you off in that direction, I’ll die a happy man.
But for now, consider this—there are two goals in martial arts training…
The first goal is to control yourself. Your thoughts, your emotions, your body.
The second goal is controlling somebody else. Specifically, a bad guy. A bad guy who is trying to control you and take away your confidence and comfort.
So, for now, don’t worry about sparring with a partner, let’s focus on sparring with yourself. That’s a powerful first step.
Oh, and in case it’s not clear, I’m not asking you to buy anything here. All I ask is that if you find value in one of these lessons, you share it with someone you care about.
Good people helping other good people… that’s how we can both make this world a better place.
All right. Enough blabbity-blah. Welcome to Self-Defense Basics. I’ll see you in video #1. Until then, keep fighting for a happy life!